Delicious offerings from:
Garden Café: Open 10-4
(Included with admission except as indicated)
Speakers & Workshops
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation or marital or family status. An equal opportunity affirmative action employer.
Perennials * Annuals * Herbs * Lavender * Trees * Container Gardens * Native and Heirloom Plants * Shrubs * Statuary * Arbors * Trellises * Urns * Tools * Birdhouses * Floral Supplies * Gardening Apparel * Original Garden Art * Ornamental Iron * Outdoor Furniture
Click below for a 2025 vendor application
Tool Sharpening
Start the season with sharp tools! On the lawn out front - by donation
(Hand tools only please)
Special Hotel Rates for Garden Faire Guests
Contact these local hotels and mention - Washington County Master Gardeners or Garden Faire
Comfort Suites - 276-698-3040
Clarion Point (formerly Comfort Inn) - 276-676-2222
On the lawn: Bring gardening hand tools to the Master Gardener tent for expert sharpening.
2025 Dates Announced!!
Questions? E-mail:
Event Hours
Garden Marketplace
Mark your calendars!
April 11-12, 2025
Nancy's Fancy's Cakes & Catering
To Be Announced
Admission: $6 (Children Under 12 Free)
Interstate 81, Exit 14 One Partnership Circle Abingdon, VA 24210
Tool Sharpening
234 West Valley Street, Abingdon VA 24210
Master Gardeners will help you load your purchases!!
Seminars included with admission
Fri 4/11 9:30am - 6pm Sat 4/12 9:30am - 4pm
A program of the Washington County Virginia Cooperative Extension
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
Children under 12 admitted free
Garden Faire
Presented by and benefiting
The Washington County Virginia Master Gardeners